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New Trip Ideas

Middlesex Fells

Middlesex Fells Reservation, or The Fells, is a public recreation area covering more than 2,200 acres in Malden, Medford, Melrose, Stoneham, and Winchester with over 100 miles of trails for hiking and biking.
Hiking Suggestions
Downloadable trail map
Spot Pond Boat rentals start in May

Boston Harbor Islands (Day or Overnight)

Four of the Boston Harbor Islands (Bumpkin, Grape, Lovells, and Peddocks) have campgrounds, all with an unparalleled location within sight of the Boston skyline – across the water!

National and State Park: Camping reservations are available from June through early September and can be made online and on the phone starting in March. Visit Boston Harbor Islands: National and State Park.

Hike the Harbor: Day hikes are possible on 6 of the islands with Ferries running mid May to mid October. Visit Boston Harbor Islands: Hike the Harbor.


World Fellowship Center

“An inter-generational camp and conference center promoting peace and social justice through education and dialogue, inspired by nature. The World Fellowship Center is a unique, affordable, progressive oasis on 455 acres in the splendor of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. They host retreat groups from June through mid-October. Learn about issues of the day with an endless stream of fascinating presenters and programs while relishing the surrounding area that is ideal for hiking, biking, and sight seeing. Mile-long Whitton Pond offers many summertime pleasures: swimming, canoeing, rowing, fishing, and blueberry picking.”

This link has both the accommodations and map

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